Zoom Drawing in Layout Autocad

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Using 'zoom' to scale layouts in viewport...


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3316 Views, 7 Replies

Using 'zoom' to scale layouts in viewport...

Went from AutoCAD LT 2010 to LT 2014 and I tried to keep the same settings and had them migrated but for some reason the scaling technique did not keep. Originally I was able to create a viewport and activate model space and use 'Zoom' as my scale (not the default scales given) and the zoom would auto fit the layout within the viewport. Now that I have upgraded to 2014, this same method does not work. All it will do is scale back and forth between TWO different scales rather than a scale to fit. HOW DO I FIX THIS? PLEASE HELP!!! Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Absolutely nothing has changed between the two versions with that ability: so walk us through each step and each command (or which button you click on) you use and let's review your procedure and workflow.

Or perhaps you haven't noticed the Ribbon shows a specific LAYOUT tab at the far right only when you are in a layout but you are using the other tab/panel viewport labeled MODEL VIEWPORTS thinking it will do what you want? This seems to be common user problem around here.


I open my file and go to my layout tab to set up my page for plot. I insert a viewport using 'mv' command and normally when I click inside the viewport I just made, I can scale my image from model space with the mouse wheel by zooming in and out and it scales to fit. This is the part that no longer "works" in the newer version. I have tried checking my settings, scales, viewports, but I can't seem to figure out why it's going back and forth between two scales rather than fit to size. Hope this makes sense...


Is your viewport locked? Are you sure you are inside the viewport?
Which two scales is it jumping between? Are there more scales in your file?
Is this a problem in the one file? or can you repeat the problem in ALL files?
Does scrolling the mouse wheel zoom in and out regardless of whether you are in a layout or viewport?

We can do what you describe all day long here.


Is your viewport locked? No.

Are you sure you are inside the viewport? Yes.
Which two scales is it jumping between? Varies depending on how far out I'm trying to zoom. Normally large decimal scales.

Are there more scales in your file? Not specified.
Is this a problem in the one file? No.

or can you repeat the problem in ALL files? All.
Does scrolling the mouse wheel zoom in and out regardless of whether you are in a layout or viewport? Yes.


Are you sure F9 isn't on (SNAP)?
Can you post a DWG file with the problem for me to look at? Not sure I quite understand your issue.


Are you talking about double clicking the scroll wheel to zoom extents by chance?


No. I generally use the command rather than the wheel since I'm used to using that for scaling..


Source: https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/autocad-lt-forum/using-zoom-to-scale-layouts-in-viewport/td-p/5515155

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