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Daddy's Little Girl (2014) Poster

7 /10

It started tiresome just became a really brutal motion-picture show...

"Daddy'southward Little Girl" was somewhat of a wild card for me. I had no idea what the movie was about when I constitute it. I picked it up and read the synopsis. I had never heard of the movie prior to finding it.

So I decided to requite information technology a become. The movie started out fairly slow paced and rather mundane. Really to the bespeak where I was nigh to call it quits and requite up on the motion-picture show. But I decided to stick with information technology, since I had found it after all.

I am glad that I did, considering this movie took such a drastic turn from being a mundane wearisome paced snoozefest to becoming the most gut wrenching movies that I take e'er seen. Once the flick picked up pace it became absolutely gruesome, ghastly and grotesque. This was definitely a change of pace and events that sabbatum well with me. And despite many of the scenes had me literally squirming and going "uuuhhhh", so it was something that was morbidly fascinating. The sheer level of realism they put into the scenes made it so entertaining - yes, a weird affair to say, I know - but it but worked and then very well in favor of the movie.

The amount of fell gore and brutal mayhem that all of a sudden was introduced might be appalling to some and this is certainly not a flick suitable for everyone in the audience. I like movies that are visceral, and I must admit that "Daddy'southward Little Girl" was definitely the most cruel movie I take seen. Information technology puts movies similar "Saw" to shame in an instant.

"Daddy's Little Girl" is such a magnificent hidden precious stone. Which is a shame, because it deserves such a bigger audience.

The cast in the motion picture was proficient. I like watching movies with acting performers that I have never seen earlier. And I will say that the ones performing in this movie were doing good jobs.

If y'all haven't already seen "Daddy's Lilliputian Girl" and if yous get the chance to do so. You lot must jump at the gamble, because this movie is actually quite well worth watching, and investing fourth dimension and money in.

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vi /ten

Not very impressive, but worth watching.

Warning: Spoilers

There's major spoilers ahead so don't read this if you haven't seen the film.

Revenge/avenger films are among my favourite types of films, The Horseman; I Spit on Your Grave et al, at the top of my list. After reading some reviews I was quite excited to go the DVD. I was kinda disappointed, then I'll start with the good.

It looks *amazing*, it'southward wonderfully shot, there's some fantastic crane shots and the camera really adds character to the film. The score, over again, awesome, calculation some other fantastic dimension (and, without trying to sound like a DVD review in that location'southward some dandy rear surround furnishings, especially during oversupply scenes). The story, and the message contained within are besides solid.

The bad. Most reviews mention the interim with bang-up praise. For the about role I felt the acting was pretty bad (with the exception of the gorgeous Billi Bakery). It was 1 of those cases where I (and my girlfriend) could really feel each actor waiting to say their respective lines, as a result the dialogue felt forced and unnatural. Not all the time, but almost. Just I could deal with it because the story was so compelling. The thing that I had problems with mostly was the lack of realism in the police investigation and the torture scene/s.

Firstly; No Forensic Bear witness. This film wasn't set in 1980 so unless the kidnapper/murderer was Mandrake there would take been. As evidenced by his diary, the murderer did not plan these things, they were borne out of snap decisions. No Forensic Show would imply great care, planning and covering up, the exact opposite of which was implied in the film.

Second; Computer & Diary. The murderer has a nanny cam in the bath which leads our protagonist to the murderers calculator and an unlocked drawer that contains a diary that describes at corking length the extent of his misdeeds. Would you get out something incriminating like that lying around? Let alone let someone use the computer correct adjacent to it? Seems unlikely.

Next; Police force Sketch. The just witness was an old human who saw "someone leaving the scene at 3am, in the dark, from a distance." When nosotros finally run into the sketch it looks *exactly* like the killer. Pretty good description for 3am, in the dark, from a distance. Also, the police have a sketch, they know who the killer is but they wait until the next mean solar day to human action on information technology? Four; Cleanliness. The murderer, bolted downwardly on a tabular array for vi days, did not urinate or defecate the entire time, I don't necessarily need to run across that, merely I don't need to see someones kneecap getting shattered either and if I do I'm pretty sure they aren't going to be holding it in.

And speaking of cleanliness, 5; on the 5th day of torture the CID detective comes to visit Dad at the site of his vengeful torture. He hears the doorbell just after sawing into his victims arm, spewing claret everywhere, and goes straight upstairs to respond the door and is totally clean. The detective, despite sitting downwardly with him for a period of time does not notice any type of olfactory property emanating from him or his clothes, it's pretty implausible that a hardboiled violent crimes detective would not recognize the odour of blood, feces and burnt flesh. As implausible is the idea that there wouldn't be a odor at all.

My biggest trouble with the film was that I only didn't care plenty almost the characters. I didn't care enough about the protagonists state of affairs so that I could feel exalted when he exacted his revenge, and there was and then little characterisation that his actions were of no surprise when he establish out who killed his daughter. There was then little characterisation of the antagonist, and so little indication of the full extent of his crimes that the only reason I was happy he was getting smashed around was cause he was just a full general douchebag.

The fact that I had very little emotional connectedness to the characters (and believe me I am not an unemotional person) stopped me from existence able suspend my disbelief and immune me to see the flaws in the film.

Other than that I liked information technology.

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six /ten

Good Low Budget Indie Moving picture

At that place seems to exist a broad variation in the reviews of this film, either people love it and give it a 8+ or hate it and requite it a ane.

When going into this pic you demand to keep in heed information technology is a low budget Australian contained flick. The fact it'southward Australian is of import as depression budget American films are usually between 5 - 10 million whereas that's a large budget for an Aussie film. This flick cost less and then 500 000 dollars to make so you aren't going to get A grade acting. The special furnishings are very good and the script isn't too bad (though has a few Aussie things said/happening that non australians may not become).

I enjoyed watching this moving picture. Aye the interim was cringeworthy at times but, as a father of immature kids, I could relate to what was going through the father's caput and it was idea-provoking for myself and my wife as we discussed how far we would get and how nosotros would react in that situation.

Because some of the overblown ratings for some really bad big budget movies on this site, I would recommend you give this one a go peculiarly if you are a parent.

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i /10

Don't believe the hype

I became aware of this picture show from a facebook campaign that required those on the fan page to come on IMDb and write favourable reviews... in maxim that, it appears most of the 10 STAR reviews are simply friends of the cast and crew.

As an objective watcher I can tell you that the flick is worth watching, preferably with friends every bit the outset hour is very very amusing. Firstly, the acting is laugh-out-loud blench worthy; examples such as the facial expressions of some characters while talking on the phone or the 2 second pauses between grapheme lines in dialogue fabricated an episode of Home and Away look like "Schindler's List". Perhaps the two standouts were Billi Baker and Michael Thomson who did every bit all-time every bit they could in a world of awkward expositions and extras who are trying to edge their mode in front end of the lens as much as possible.

In looking at the technical side of the film, the editing could've used a lot more attention to detail. Issues such as the audio quality which is very poor and had an overshadowing score and ambient noises muffling out the dialogue in many scenes made it difficult to focus on what was being said. Also the concluding montage in the end credits moves besides chop-chop to be appreciated.

The story itself is OK-ish but 2D characters, inexplicable outbursts, poor casting (the character of Derek's father looks the same historic period equally Derek) story arcs that go no where (I hateful what was with the cousin character??) and no real sense of the graphic symbol's histories (it seems to be assumed knowledge for some reason) make it hard for information technology to ever stand out adjacent to other revenge genre flicks.

To summarise, this (much similar "The Room") is on par with a very good highschool film & Telly assignment with a higher budget, which has clearly gone ENTIRELY towards the special effects (which I admit were fantastic!), in watching it you volition exist reminded through every forced facial expression and line of dialogue that you lot are watching people act and will never exist really captivated in what'southward going on... so grab some friends and a pizza, have a laugh at the outset, a cringe at the end and then put on your existent movie for the night

2 Stars out of x - but don't just take my discussion for it, wait till the proper reviews start coming out

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1 /x

Poor. Really, actually poor.

This motion picture has 7.three on IMDb at the time of writing, and seems to accept mostly ten star reviews and few (honest) one or two star reviews. Brand of that what you lot volition.

OK, on to the review. This movie is absolutely terrible. It'southward painful to scout, and not because of all the torture porn! The acting is wooden at best, total of awkward pauses and seemingly either completely emotionless in its delivery, or massively hammy. Information technology feels like y'all're watching a schoolhouse play.

The camera and audio piece of work adds to that feeling. Very low apertures are used throughout the motion picture, I presume to effort to requite it some feeling of way, but consequently focus is often slightly off or at times completely missed. The subject is regularly not quite in frame, having the elevation of their heads out of shot, to the point that I wonder whether it was shot in a completely different aspect ratio and so (desperately) cropped. Similarly the audio levels seem to exist all over the place, with actors literally having to shout to signify important parts of the plot.

With regards to the story itself, it seems to change step a lot, to the point that it feels similar the of import parts were planned out, just the story and then came in way below length and so huge amounts of slow-paced filler had to be added. There's a long set up, so a sudden progression which seems like it was meant to be jarring to the viewer, but but feels bodged because of the previous irksome pace. And so it slows right downwards again until the side by side sudden progression, later which the pace is a trivial faster and more than regular, but the story then seems somewhat incoherent and thrown together. Not to mention wholly unbelievable. Of course, then comes the torture porn.

All in all this film is very much not worth wasting your time on, fifty-fifty if you lot approach it in the noesis that it'due south a low upkeep slasher flick with appropriately depression expectations.

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7 /10

We often lack perspective - especially when writing reviews

This film is intriguing in that it describes how i (think, at least) would feel if someone were to hurt someone in my family and "got away with it".

These are existent life circumstances, and the interim is plausible in that these are everyday characters. Nosotros see them all the time in our daily lives, and shake our heads or applaud their behavior as we assess what we experience are their shortcomings or positive qualities. To dismiss this acting is to exist simply out of touch on.

Is it a great movie? Not in my stance, but it embodies a realism and a sense of seeking justice in a society where we often fail to find any. In the wake of the peachy push by corporate America and our paid for politicians to strip away opportunities (in other countries as well) this motion picture helps to claw back a fleck of the essence of our ain lives, and provide at least a glimpse of hope. These feelings are palpable; this film is not well-nigh entertaining with fast action, glitzy cars and shimmering flesh; it wants united states to experience something deeper.

Do you have to lose someone to identify with the themes here? Grieving people and those around them frequently *are* wooden when facing such losses. Seems to me that a 'adept' movie like this can help you to understand. When nosotros feel this helpless - this is a adept mirror.

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one /10

A Poor Movie

Warning: Spoilers

I came across this flick whilst filing through the 'Thriller' category in my Apple Tv set, searching for a well-constructed story that throws twists out every and then oftentimes. AKA, a thriller. Even so, I was far off with such a selection. This film from the start was let down by its actors. Each graphic symbol, only in particular Derek (Michael Thomson) and his blood brother Tommy (Christian Radford) sounded as though they were simply speaking their lines direct off the script. Certain words that were incorporated in normal, everyday conversation between characters such equally "Mate" were spoken flatly and held no depth behind it. The scene where the brothers are sitting on the beach and Derek is meaning to fire Tommy from his job seems fake, weakened by the actors' poor performances. And the scene really is an easy and relaxed segment which should not exist ruined, and is through lack of endeavour, or so it seems.

The film goes on to allow Derek's heed to become unhinged through pure hatred for his brother Tommy, to the point where Derek seeks advice on torture methods. He retrieves the information he wants by having colloquial conversations with the dentist and a few other people. This in itself is quite honestly pathetic and completely illogical that the audience is expected to believe that when put into do by an amateur who has no knowledge of the human body or annihilation of the like, they would work. An enraged homo conducting torture methods to assault the right torso part and go along the victim awake, live, but yet experience the pain, please. In addition to this, the picture moves quite chop-chop through his search for data, which strips the motion picture of its credibility and hardcore depth which I believe it aims to accomplish.

Some other thing I'd like to bear upon is: the fact that Derek acquires and then much hatred for his brother later on finding Tommy's diary to the signal where he does not let Tommy to explain himself whilst being tortured happened far likewise quickly, I believe. I do not retrieve that torturing him was a clever twist, let alone depriving him of his ability to explain things. Finding the diary was too-weak a point of reference alone, and should have been accompanied past stronger evidence for Derek to launch into murderous, gruesome torture. Not to say that finding a second batch of evidence would have fabricated for a justifiable answer to perform measured, well-thought-out torture on his blood brother.

Finally, I am struggling to sympathise how this film is still standing with a solid IMDb rating of 7.4, and that at that place are reviews that praise the groovy interim and film piece of work of Daddy'southward Lilliputian Girl. I tin say without hesitation or second thoughts that information technology is one of the worst films I accept ever seen, and I strongly recommend avoiding it.

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five /10

Ok... merely 'idea provoking?', hmmmmm....

I more than or less enjoyed the movie, only I did find myself fast forwarding through some of the brutality.

Make no mistake about information technology - this is a vicious movie - non generally my favorite kind but it was reasonably well washed.

I particularly liked the interim of the main character, and its his attitude that makes this pic watchable.

Not for the weak of center... just you could do worse.

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six /10

Come on, it'due south not that bad!

OK, information technology'south not a masterpiece, and I don't either think it claims or expects to be one, it is clearly low-budgeted and flawed, but information technology does its task: entertain. Actually, the setup part is a little besides long, it could have been done ameliorate and more finer without many useless, ho-hum paced scenes, getting directly to the bespeak and using more time to clarify the characters and the human relationship between them.

But when it does offset, wow... this is torture porn at its goriest. I'k non a huge fan of claret and gore, but I liked the concept behind this movie. The message that I got from it is that, whatever bad a human might be able to do, taking revenge, an eye for an eye, simply means lowering yourself to his own level of inhumanity. We do have law and penalisation for a reason, not to masochistically give up any rightful feeling of revenge we might deport inside ourselves.

The slaughterer turns into the victim, the victim turns into the slaughterer, what is the difference betwixt them at the end of the motion-picture show? Only ane, made by Derek's final decision, which I won't spoil here. Just it's no big bargain, Derek is non human anymore, anyhow. Not anymore than his victim.

All in all, philosophy apart, it'due south definitely worth a sentinel, if you tin stand hard torture scenes and tin overlook the bad acting and depression upkeep setup.

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10 /10

Brilliant Intense and Gory

Warning: Spoilers

Arriving at the premiere to this picture show you could feel the anticipation building... You could but tell that we were all in for something special and Chris Sun and the squad from slaughterfx sure did evangelize!!!... With this the 2d offering from this amazingly talented group of friends from the Sunshine Declension, Queensland Australia we are taken on a journey with Derrick a single dad whos 6yr old daughter is taken from her bed and found murdered!.. Derrick ends upwardly face to face with the killer of his fiddling daughter and finds himself faced with a decision... Revenge or Justice..... The specialfx in this film are so realistic and intensely gory that it will take fifty-fifty the well-nigh hardcore of Gore fans squirming in there seats while Derrick gets his revenge!! With a twist that hopefully gets every parent out there thinking that little fleck more most just who they tin can trust!!!... Loved information technology Loved information technology Loved it!!!...

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10 /10

Very intense

Honey reader, Daddy's Little Girl is a piece of Australian Picture history. Never have i watched a cantankerous genre pic from Aus which has and then much meaning and purpose.

This film will take y'all on a roller-coaster ride from start to finish. I was intrigued by the films story line as i believe in its bulletin. It will split up opinions world wide. The acting was great, colour was flawless, shots were amazing, score was brilliant, sound was super with its surround sound quality.

Anybody involved should be very proud of being part of such a production.

Be warned if horror movies make you squirm and so i recommend taking something to put over your eyes to peer out from as the special effects are graphic. Unlike most horror movies where you rarely see anything but the score and sound makes you cringe, Daddy'southward Fiddling Girl gives you a front end row seat and allows the viewer to watch all the horrific details.

Finally i rate this flick 10. Really enjoyable watch on a very controversial topic.

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x /10

I have never been so impressed by a film

Prepare to be taken on the ride of your life with this ane! Oh my god, I cried, I laughed and I also felt like I was going to be ill. I'one thousand but astounded that all these emotions could be put into ane film, and severely impressed that the utilize of cross genre worked perfectly. My wife and I went to the premiere dark expecting to see a expert movie, with a few flaws peradventure just nosotros left the theater satisfied with seeing the perfect moving picture with non one noticeable mistake. Everything virtually Daddy'due south Fiddling Girl was just great! the acting, sound, colors, story line, realism, script, camera work and all the unexpected little twists. Ten out of ten for this one, i think people are going to have a lot of trouble beating information technology. in fact i don't think anyone could beat information technology. it is what it is, and that is Perfect!

Chris Sun and crew never cease making amazing films!

One more thing, the Special FX in this are the best i have ever seen. So very real!

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ten /10

Daddys piffling girl

Wow from the get-go to the finish i was tingling all over what a wonderful raw truthful honest film, fantabulous actors making the film so much enjoyable. I i truly believe this film will be a winner with it going all over the world. What a amazing talent Chris Sunday is to exist able to write and directly a flick. The special effects were amazing too as the locations i'm totally rating this 10/x good work guys may you win a many award and heart all over the world with this film. Im looking frontwards to seeing more films come up out by this director and writer. This story will hit home and make you realize how precious your children are and life.

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10 /x

A movie NOT to be missed!

I'll start my review with a confession. I had a small acting part in this movie as the Reverend, but that doesn't alter the emotional roller-coaster ride I and the audition received while sitting through its premier showing on Friday night (24/08/2012).

There aren't many movies that can successfully combine drama, horror, suspense and one-act cleverly interwoven into an intriguing storyline that will at times take y'all sitting on the edge of your seat, or crying, or cringing, or laughing out loud, but Daddy'due south Little Daughter manages all that and more! The basic story is near beloved, particularly the close bond of love unique to a begetter-daughter relationship and the sense of helplessness felt by the begetter when his petty girl (Georgia) is snatched away from him by an unknown predator. It is a story about justice and revenge that will divide opinions, change attitudes and go along people talking well after the endmost credits.

Michael Thompson's emotional interpretation as Derek (the begetter) was memorable and his wonderful ability to show emotion via his eyes volition atomic number 82 him far in the acting world.

Leading extra Allira Jaques was as superb in her role as Georgia's mother who, although the story concentrated on the begetter-daughter human relationship, revealed through her emotions her love for her girl was no less momentous. I'chiliad certain Allira can look forward to existence in high demand from directors looking for an actress that can give herself completely over to a role.

Sean Gannon was outstanding every bit Derek'southward best friend and business partner Colin, who was the stable influence and Derek's stone throughout his grieving process, as but best mates can be.

Christian Radford took on the role of Derek's troubled blood brother Tommy which helped highlight the importance of family and family relationships, along with Anthony Thomas equally Derek'due south father, Leanne Sutcliffe equally Derek'south female parent, Rebecca Plint equally Derek'southward sister Tanya and Holly Phillips as Tommy's girlfriend Sian.

Supporting actor Darrel Plumridge's office equally primary investigating officer Detective Harris was a memorable one which helped concur the story together perfectly.

Which brings us arguably to the real star of the pic, 7 year sometime Billi Baker who acted in the title role as Georgia, daddy's petty girl. What can be said of this picayune star of the future? That she is beautiful. That she is wonderfully cast as Derek'due south girl with an interim power across her years. That she had everybody in the movie-going audience fall in honey with her right from the opening scene, which ensured a strong emotional attachment to what was to come. Aye, we all love you Georgia, to the moon and back!

Special furnishings supervisor Steven Boyle (Male monarch Kong, Star Wars: Episode 2 - Assault of the Clones, The Matrix Revolutions, 30 Days of Nighttime, Daybreakers)ensured the special effects in Daddy's Little Daughter volition literally take yous cringing in your seat, while cinematographer Scott Kimber captures everything from the beauty of Queensland's Sunshine Coast to the close-upwards emotions displayed on the actor's faces perfectly.

Writer/Managing director Chris Sunday's own passion for his story overflowed generously to the cast and crew, and it shows! In just his 2d feature picture (following Come and Get Me – 2011) Chris has quickly established himself as a Manager capable of cartoon out the very all-time from his cast and crew.

In summary, Daddy's Piddling Girl is a story that needed to be told and volition be one of the almost talked nearly movies of 2013 – don't miss this i!

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10 /x

Border of seat

OK firstly aye I was part of the cast, only that does not mean i can't give an unbiased review. Being involved from audition process to screening I can tell yous i had loftier expectations of this film and I tin honestly say information technology came out in a higher place my expectations. Yep of course it has a few moments where a few scenes are a touch on long (none of mine of course lol) simply overall what a fantastic film. The acting the story line the filming everything works together to make this moving-picture show a fantastic scout. I wont go on merely if this doesn't get and iconic Australian motion-picture show and kick start the careers of many into main stream work, then I will be very surprised. Well washed to all involved I loved every minute of it.

Its lovely, funny, horrific but higher up all very real

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x /10

Daddy's Lilliputian Girl .... Exceptional and Spooky!

What an amazing story .... Daddy's Footling Girl is i amazing roller coaster of emotions! I am then proud to have been a function of such an engrossing story that really hits home as a parent. As 1 of the cast I have to say I enjoyed every minute of the production. Daddy's Trivial Girl is full on and at times 'in your face', only in saying that, I could not take my eyes off the screen in the second half of the film! The get-go half of Daddy's Lilliputian Daughter is wonderfully filmed and fix for what will blow your mind afterwards on. If you think you know what this motion picture is almost, remember again!! The Director, Chris Sun, has washed justice to the way we call back as humans if we were placed in the same circumstances. So now it's up to yous to determine .... Revenge or Justice?? Thanks, Craig 'the Dentist' Claxton.

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2 /ten

Total waste of time

Prior to seeing this I'd taken into business relationship that many of the positive reviews on hither may have stemmed from people doing the manager a favour, and knowing that he has a large following on Facebook information technology didn't surprise me. Just I wanted to check the movie out for myself and brand upwardly my own mind, especially since learning more about Chris Sun of late. I now truly believe that the positive reviews are completely fabricated, every bit in that location is just no way anyone could mayhap believe this pic is worth more than than a v/10 at best.

Everything I but read almost how bad the interim was is totally true. I didn't believe in a single character, which left me devoid of whatsoever emotional attachment. This resulted in me having no desire to run across the killer get what was coming to them, which is essential in a revenge flick. I usually love seeing the bad guys get what they deserve in movies, but this time around I just didn't intendance.

The plot had too many holes, especially how the killer is revealed. Completely implausible. If I were doing something and then despicable at that place's no way in hell I'd leave evidence lying around where anyone could find it. It would be more than conceivable if the culprit were severely mentally ill and incapable of thinking rationally, simply in this instance he was just a tedious, regular guy.

I haven't been excited well-nigh Charlie's Subcontract, being that it looks like a derivative slasher moving-picture show that I've seen 100 times before and proudly boasts Sharknado's Tara Reid as a star. I was hoping that watching DLG might boost my eagerness, merely now I'm fifty-fifty less enthusiastic about it.

Withal, it gives us filmmakers hope that you can still achieve success by churning out utter crap. All you need to do is somehow play a trick on the public into believing that your arrogance towards people and loftier self-opinion is charming.

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10 /10

Wow doesn't fifty-fifty cut information technology!

After seeing Daddys Little Girl y'all volition have a feeling of shock and wonder, I myself felt nausea too. Never take I felt sick from watching a motion picture but I don't heed, it was worth every second! The dialog as well equally the actors were then realistic that you can't assistance existence drawn into their lives. The good times and the tragic are easy to believe and make you wonder what would happen if this were happening to you and your child... revenge or justice? Special effects are fantastic and conceivable- a great combination. This is partly what is going to go out your peel itch as you get out the screening. Its just only that practiced! Daddys Lilliputian Girl is going to modify the mode you call up and deport when it comes to your children. This is hopefully going to pave the way for our Australian justice system to accept a expert long and hard look at how it is run. Things demand to change and Chris Sun, SlaughterFX and co have created Daddys Little Girl!

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7 /x

Good picture show for an Aussie export

I was sceptical at first as the start half of movie is the usual fleck irksome story telling, bit naff, the acting is a tad wooden but practiced plenty then practice stick with it.

Every bit the action certainly perks up in the second half.

I'1000 non going to give anything away but this is a revenge picture show so be aware at that place will exist extreme violence.

This is a low budget film, do not sentry if you are expecting Hollywood style horror.

If you are a proper fan of horror/gore, then this is definitely worth watching.

My score is a very worth while 7/10 Definitely a good 7/x

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seven /ten

Brutal, Unrelenting...Did I Say Barbarous?

Oy! What a picture show. It started off on the slow, cliched side, but one time it picked upward steam,, became a no holds barred, downward and dirty, rough and gear up, gore fest. Revenge movies like these ("The Woman," "I Spit On Your Grave," "Revenge," etc.) make you wonder just how depraved a human or adult female tin can make it their hunger for vengeance.

To be fair, the interim in this flick was fair to middling. A lot more work could've went into character development and the cinematography was besides fair to middling. Then once again, information technology was a low budget picture, so I suppose that's to be expected. There were a few plot holes here and there, only they're not important in terms of how the film develops. Is this a film worth checking out? Sure. It may fifty-fifty make you squirm in your seat.

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7 /10

Horror with Heart

Warning: Spoilers

I'll admit direct off the bat that I count myself as an associate of director Chris Sun, having followed him on Facebook and talked to him a few times since even before he made his first film. Still, as anyone who has spoken to him knows, he tin handle constructive criticism and doesn't want anyone kissing his a--! Then I'm going to keep it real.

Firstly, this movie is NOT for the squeamish! It is bloody, tearing and gruesome and will have a lot of people comparison it to films like "I Spit on Your Grave", "Hostel" and "Concluding Firm on the Left" but this movie differs in two major ways: The first beingness that it spares us the horror of watching the innocent victim endure. While most revenge-torture style films will use any excuse to heap on the violence, Daddy's Little Girl takes the classier road by but implying what had been done which, rather than distracting the viewer with the gruesomeness of the criminal offense, instead hits us with the emotional impact of a family's loss and builds our sympathy for the grieving father. Which brings me to the second manner information technology differs, in that it never forgets its point or becomes a mindless torture-porn. There is a very relatable motive behind everything that Derek is doing and while Michael Thompson'south acting may not earn him an Oscar, he still has more than plenty emotion in his performance to portray a human in deep pain while the ghostly (possibly imagined) visits from his deceased daughter remind the states why he is doing this. The emotional side of this film is genuinely enough to bring a tear to the eye.

Something else which seems to get lost in translation, by the people who are instantly put-off by the blood, is the message of this film which asks the question of whether the penalties for crimes against children are harsh enough.

There were also a few negatives: I found my attention wandering a bit for the first 60 minutes or then, as some of the scenes seemed to drag on a picayune longer than I would have liked and mayhap at that place were a few scenes which we didn't need. Much of the acting was as well far from fantastic, only keep in heed that nearly of the extras in item were inexperienced volunteers while even the atomic number 82 actors have merely been in i or two previous roles! Also go on in mind that this is but Chris' 2nd film and he has already shown a HUGE corporeality of improvement from his outset.

In my opinion, the stand-out performance would have to get to Allira Jaques as Stacey, also in only her 2d feature role, for managing to finer showcase 3 very different sides to a character who probably didn't get every bit much screen fourth dimension as she deserved. The special effects were fantastic and, while very gruesome, always kept the "gore" believable which helped to increase the impact of the torture scenes, rather than just having the viewer laughing at 'how fake that looked.'

In summary, remembering that this just the director's 2nd movie and it was filmed on a very small upkeep in limited time with more often than not inexperienced and first-time actors, this was actually ane hell of an accomplishment! You tin can compare it to equally many bigger-budgeted films with household name actors every bit y'all like, but I challenge you to find another with every bit little experience and money behind it as this ane had, which accomplishes the same level of quality and packs as much of an emotional punch, especially inside the genre! In the hereafter, Daddy'south Petty Girl will be looked dorsum on as an Australian classic and Chris Lord's day has proved that he is a director to watch every bit he is merely going to go along to better and make improve and amend films.

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4 /10

Interesting horror from Slaughter FX, but not well acted.

Warning: Spoilers

Daddy's Piddling Girl is about revenge, only focuses mainly on gore.

To be honest, I wasn't expecting very much, and I saw several reviews that praised this film as being very thought provoking. It wasn't. The plot is exceptionally anticipated, and it doesn't actually bring anything new to the revenge tale. No twists in the plot, and a few rather 'recycled' cinema moments. Recall of a very desperately acted 'Mystic River' with torture scenes.

The master character of the male parent however, is i of the worst elements in the picture show. Unfortunately he seems more annoyed than enraged throughout the pic. I assume he understood before starting his acting career that he would have to acquire how to emote, only I was underwhelmed with how the father reacted to the decease of a child, he subsequent depression, and revenge.

A man who is capable of torturing another man, who can extend that level of hurting and violence on another human being being, couldn't peradventure do so without some level of empathy or emotions. Almost people would exist repulsed by the sight of claret and viscera, merely neither does he enjoy in information technology. He just does it and acts overtly angry. He even tries out some "ironic" torture techniques... har har i suppose.

Perchance information technology was his tone of voice, but honestly... he was the worst. Especially considering who the murderer was (I won't ruin it, only yous tin can guess who it is within the first 20 minutes of the film) Anyways, this moving picture didn't show anything I hadn't seen earlier. As far as the torture stuff goes; information technology's there to savor if that'due south your thing.


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10 /10

Daddy's Fiddling Girl, Most powerful, Controversial, amazing pic I have ever seen!

Daddy'due south Little Daughter is a truly brilliant film. The cinemas on the night of the premiere where packed out with eagerly waiting fans and supporters, and they did not leave there disappointed. This film has blown then many people abroad, causing them to dig deep into their minds and hearts when they where faced with such raw emotion and unfortunate life altering truths.

This Movie takes you on a massive roller coaster ride of emotions from happy, sad, excited, scared, shocked, sick, nervous to the last feeling of complete satisfaction and astonishment. Daddy'south Little Girl will brand y'all question the people around you, the decisions you lot make and how easily terrible unthinkable things can happen.

Daddy's Little Girl, is an impeccably written story, fantastically scripted, brilliant realistic special Fx, Heed blowing score and edit, superb acting and almost importantly beautifully shot.

Lets just say it could hardly exist called indie! It looks similar the Daddy's Little Girl coiffure had over a million dollars to shoot this baby on! And all who have seen this motion picture would agree with that. The premiere nighttime concluded with a standing ovation once once again for another brilliant film written and directed by much loved Christopher Sun.

From his first film ''Come and Get Me'' you can really see how far the ever growing and achieving, talented Chris has come. The globe better watch out because Chris and his team are coming at yous, and fast. I myself am ecstatic with Daddy's Little Girl and cannot wait to run into how much further the twistedly vivid mind of Mr. Sun can go.

At the terminate of information technology all, this is by far the most powerful and moving moving-picture show i have seen in my life. Expect tears, expect laughter, expect to feel ill but nearly of all expect to be blown away. There is zero else like this.



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ten /x

A very sitting on the edge of your seat thriller with an awesome twist.

I am not much of a moving picture watcher but when I heard about Daddy'south Little Girl and watched the trailer I couldn't await until it was released so I could get and run across it for myself. Being at that place on the Premiere night viewing (9pm 24/08/2012) was an absolute fizz as everyone in that location was just equally excited about watching information technology as I was. The unique story line was absolutely brilliant and it did impact base for me on a personal level in more means than ane and I am grateful that I am a survivor of such a horrible childhood to be able to sentinel this movie. I liked the fact that they used factual cloth throughout the moving picture every bit it made it feel like a real life result or even based on a true story. This moving picture was extremely emotional for me to sentry, the actors expressions helped me to experience happy, sad, aroused, disgusted, intrigued, scared and relieved right from the beginning and through to the end. The special effects are fantastically done in this movie they looked very realistic and expertly done and they reminded me of the movie "Seven Mortiferous Sins". Daddy's Little Girl is a movie I would recommend for any parent to sentry equally I am sure that it would touch base for them on a personal level and make them call up twice about the existent world out there. I loved the movie that much that I want to watch information technology over again and if it comes out on DVD I will.

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8 /10

The next Wolf Creek?

Much to like about this abode grown horror. Left me feeling a footling nice and teary-eyed. Some great interim moments from all the bandage and I promise we go to run into their talents more in future Commonwealth of australia and international roles. First-class original music that added a lot of depth and tension in central moments, shifting from the delicate piano led motifs to dumbo string laden attacks, continually coming dorsum to repeating themes and playing on the push/pull game giving the film a sonic and emotional force not many other Australian films oftentimes accept. For much of the movie I was playing the guessing game. Who did it? Who in this circumvolve of friends/family would practice such a matter? Occasionally I thought I had it and I didn't. A few interesting turns surprised me and I was gripped for the elapsing of the film. Looking frontward to future projects from director Chris Sun.

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Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2214941/reviews

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